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Version: 3.9.0-beta.100 (Latest)

Deploy Static Assets

WARNING! All of these solutions stand-up a publicly accessible web viewer. Do not hook your hosted viewer up to a sensitive source of data without implementing authentication.

There are a lot of options for deploying static assets. Some services, like netlify and, specialize in static websites. You'll notice that deploying with them requires much less time and effort, but comes at the cost of less product offerings.

While not required, it can simplify things to host your Web Viewer alongside your image archive. Services with more robust product offerings, like Google Cloud, Microsoft's Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), are able to accommodate this setup.





Netlify Drop​

GIF demonstrating deployment with Netlify Drop

  2. Drag your build/ folder on to the drop target
  3. ...
  4. annnd you're done


  • Custom domains & HTTPS
  • Instant Git integration
  • Continuous deployment
  • Deploy previews
  • Access to add-ons

(Non-free tiers include identity, FaaS, Forms, etc.)

Learn more about Netlify on their website


Static web publishing for Front-End Developers. Simple, single-command web publishing. Publish HTML, CSS, and JS for free, without leaving the command line. deploy example

GIF demonstrating deployment with surge

# Add surge command
yarn global add surge

# In the build directory


  • Free custom domain support
  • Free SSL for subdomains
  • pushState support for single page apps
  • Custom 404.html pages
  • Barrier-free deployment through the CLI
  • Easy integration into your Grunt toolchain
  • Cross-origin resource support
  • And more…

Learn more about on their website

GitHub Pages​

WARNING! While great for project sites and light use, it is not advised to use GitHub Pages for production workloads. Please consider using a different service for mission critical applications.

Websites for you and your projects. Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.

This deployment strategy makes more sense if you intend to maintain your project in a GitHub repository. It allows you to specify a branch or folder as the target for a GitHub Page's website. As you push code changes, the hosted content updates to reflect those changes.

  1. Head over to and create a new repository, or go to an existing one. Click on the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section. Choose the branch or folder you would like as the "root" of your website.
  3. Fire up a browser and go to

Configuring Your Site:

Learn more about GitHub Pages on its website


All of these options, while using providers with more service offerings, demonstrate how to host the viewer with their respective file storage and CDN offerings. While you can serve your static assets this way, if you're going through the trouble of using AWS/GCP/Azure, it's more likely you're doing so to avoid using a proxy or to simplify authentication.

If that is the case, check out some of our more advanced docker deployments that target these providers from the left-hand sidepanel.

These guides can be a bit longer and an update more frequently. To provide accurate documentation, we will link to each provider's own recommended steps:

AWS S3 + Cloudfront​

GCP + Cloudflare​


  • Deploying viewer to Azure blob storage as a static website: Refer to Host a static website High level steps :

    1. Go to Azure portal and create a storage account.
    2. Under Overview->Capabilities, select Static website.
    3. Enable Static website. Set the index document as ‘index.html’.
    4. Copy the primary endpoint. This will serve as the root URL for the viewer.
    5. Save. A new container named ‘$web’ will be created.
    6. Copy OHIF viewer’s build output from ‘platform\app\dist’ folder to the ‘$web’ container.
    7. Open browser and navigate to the viewer root URL copied in the step above. It should display OHIF viewer with data from default data source.

    image Special consideration while accessing DicomJson data source : • Due to the way routing is handled in react, it may error out in production when trying to display data through dicomJson data source. E.g. https://[Static Website endpoint]/viewer/dicomjson?url= • Resolution to this is to set error page to ‘index.html’ at the website level. This will ensure that all errors are redirected to root and requests are further served from root path. image

  • Add SSL Support

  • Configure a Custom Domain