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Version: 3.10.0-beta.125 (Latest)


Key Changes:

  1. Unified Customization Getter:

    • The getCustomization method now uniformly retrieves customizations, prioritizing global, then mode, and finally default customizations.
    • The defaultValue parameter in getCustomization is no longer used for setting defaults. It simply returns if no customization is found.
    • The methods getModeCustomization and getGlobalCustomization are deprecated.
  2. Simplified Customization Registration:

    • The customizationType property in customization definitions is renamed to inheritsFrom.

    • The merge property in customization definitions is removed. Instead, a customization is merged using the helper methods. The basic update commands are listed in the table below, and you can learn more about the helper methods here.

      $setReplace a value entirelyReplace a list or object
      $pushAppend items to an arrayAdd to the end of a list
      $unshiftPrepend items to an arrayAdd to the start of a list
      $spliceInsert, remove, or replace at specific indexModify specific indices in a list
      $mergeUpdate specific fields in an objectChange a subset of fields
      $applyCompute the new value dynamicallyApply a function to transform values
      $filterFind and update specific items in arraysTarget nested structures based on matching criteria
  3. New $transform command:

    • If you were using the transform command, you should now use the $transform command. Just a simple rename to make it more consistent with the other commands.
  4. Renamed CornerstoneOverlay customizations:

    • The cornerstoneOverlay customizations (cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft, cornerstoneOverlayTopRight, cornerstoneOverlayBottomLeft, cornerstoneOverlayBottomRight) have been renamed to viewportOverlay.topLeft, viewportOverlay.topRight, viewportOverlay.bottomLeft, and viewportOverlay.bottomRight. See dedicated page for customizing viewport overlays here.
  5. Renamed customRoutes:

    • The customRoutes customization is renamed to routes.customRoutes.
  6. contextMenu customization:

    • The contextMenu customization now uses the inheritsFrom property to inherit from other context menus, previously it was called customizationType
  7. New immutability-helper dependency: The immutability-helper library is now used for merging customizations. If you encounter an error related to it, you'll need to install it - though OHIF should really handle the installation for you, so this is pretty much just a heads up.

Migration Steps:

  1. Replace getModeCustomization and getGlobalCustomization with getCustomization:

    • Before:

      const tools = customizationService.getModeCustomization(
      const globalValue = customizationService.getGlobalCustomization('someGlobalKey');
    • After:

      const tools = customizationService.getCustomization('cornerstone.overlayViewportTools');
      const globalValue = customizationService.getCustomization('someGlobalKey');

      The returned value is the actual customization value, not an object that needs to be broken down.

  2. Update Customization Definitions:

    • We've moved away from using random items in the customization definition, and now we use the id property to identify the customization as a value. Previously, it was referred to as value, values, and so on, but now an id is used to reference the customization. This approach really simplifies things - when you need to grab the customization, you can just use the id to get it, and you don't have to bother with destructuring the value from the object.

Example: Customizing a Panel

Before (v3.9):

// the default value was hardcoded inside the panel itself - bad idea!
// default was given in the panel itself

// PanelSegmentation.tsx

// Retrieve the onSegmentationAdd customization
const { onSegmentationAdd } = customizationService.getCustomization(
id: 'segmentation.onSegmentationAdd',
onSegmentationAdd: handlers.onSegmentationAdd,

// Retrieve the disableEditing customization
const { disableEditing } = customizationService.getCustomization(
id: 'default.disableEditing',
disableEditing: false,

// mode was customizing it via
id: 'PanelSegmentation.tableMode',
mode: 'expanded',
id: 'PanelSegmentation.showAddSegment',
showAddSegment: false,

After (v3.10):

// cornerstone extension getCustomizationModule
// centralized customization location for all extensions - good!
function getCustomizationModule() {
return [
name: 'default',
value: {
'panelSegmentation.disableEditing': false,
'panelSegmentation.showAddSegment': true,

// inside panelSegmentation.tsx
const disableEditing = customizationService.getCustomization('panelSegmentation.disableEditing');
const showAddSegment = customizationService.getCustomization('panelSegmentation.showAddSegment');

// mode can customize it via $ operators for mode customizations
'panelSegmentation.disableEditing': { $set: true },
'panelSegmentation.showAddSegment': { $set: false },

//or via configuration for global customizations
window.config = {
// rest of config
customizationService: [
'panelSegmentation.disableEditing': {
$set: true, // Disables editing of segmentations in the panel
// rest of config

Example: Updating a Customization

Let's say you have a customization in v3.9 that adds a custom overlay item to the top-left corner:

Before (v3.9):

// In your mode's onModeEnter
id: 'cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft',
items: [
id: 'myCustomOverlay',
customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
attribute: 'PatientName',
label: 'Patient:',

After (v3.10):

// In your mode's onModeEnter or elsewhere
'viewportOverlay.topLeft': {
$push: [
id: 'myCustomOverlay',
inheritsFrom: 'ohif.overlayItem',
attribute: 'PatientName',
label: 'Patient:',
**Example: Customizing viewport action Menu**

**Before (v3.9):**

// In your configuration for global customizations
window.config = {
// rest of config
addWindowLevelActionMenu: true,

After (v3.10):

// you can now handle each action menu item (windowLevelActionMenu and segmentationOverlay) separately

// cornerstone extension getCustomizationModule
function getCustomizationModule() {
return [
name: 'default',
value: {
'viewportActionMenu.windowLevelActionMenu': {
enabled: true,
location: viewportActionCornersService.LOCATIONS.topRight,
'viewportActionMenu.segmentationOverlay': {
enabled: true,
location: viewportActionCornersService.LOCATIONS.topRight,

// Accessing customizations within your component (e.g., OHIFCornerstoneViewport.tsx)
const windowLevelActionMenu = customizationService.getCustomization('viewportActionMenu.windowLevelActionMenu');
const segmentationOverlay = customizationService.getCustomization('viewportActionMenu.segmentationOverlay');

// Modifying customizations at runtime, for example, in your mode's onModeEnter
'viewportActionMenu.windowLevelActionMenu': {
$set: {
enabled: false,
location: viewportActionCornersService.LOCATIONS.bottomLeft,
'viewportActionMenu.segmentationOverlay': {
$set: {
enabled: true,
location: viewportActionCornersService.LOCATIONS.topLeft,

// Alternatively, setting global customizations via configuration
window.config = {
// rest of config
customizationService: [
'viewportActionMenu.windowLevelActionMenu': {
$set: {
enabled: false,
location: 1,
'viewportActionMenu.segmentationOverlay': {
$set: {
enabled: true,
location: 1,
// rest of config


  • The customizationType is replaced with inheritsFrom.


To keep our customization system consistent, you should be aware of a few key renaming conventions. We now follow a straightforward naming convention for customizations: scopeName.customizationItem.

Customization Key (Old)Customization Key (New)Description
PanelMeasurement.disableEditingpanelMeasurement.disableEditingDisables editing measurements in the Measurement Panel and after SR hydration.
PanelSegmentation.CustomDropdownMenuContentpanelSegmentation.customDropdownMenuContentCustom content for the dropdown menu in the Segmentation Panel.
PanelSegmentation.disableEditingpanelSegmentation.disableEditingDisables editing segmentations in the Segmentation Panel.
PanelSegmentation.showAddSegmentpanelSegmentation.showAddSegmentControls visibility of the "Add Segment" button in the Segmentation Panel.
PanelSegmentation.onSegmentationAddpanelSegmentation.onSegmentationAddCustom function to execute when a new segmentation is added.
PanelSegmentation.tableModepanelSegmentation.tableModeControls the table mode (collapsed/expanded) in the Segmentation Panel.
PanelSegmentation.readableTextpanelSegmentation.readableTextCustom readable text labels for the Segmentation Panel.
PanelStudyBrowser.studyModestudyBrowser.studyModeControls the study mode (all/primary/recent) in the Study Browser Panel.
customRoutesroutes.customRoutesDefines custom routes for the application.
cornerstoneOverlayTopLeftviewportOverlay.topLeftCustom overlay items for the top-left corner of the viewport.
cornerstoneOverlayTopRightviewportOverlay.topRightCustom overlay items for the top-right corner of the viewport.
cornerstoneOverlayBottomLeftviewportOverlay.bottomLeftCustom overlay items for the bottom-left corner of the viewport.
cornerstoneOverlayBottomRightviewportOverlay.bottomRightCustom overlay items for the bottom-right corner of the viewport.
(New)viewportActionMenu.windowLevelActionMenuControls the display and the location of the window level action menu in the viewport.
(New)viewportActionMenu.segmentationOverlayControls the display and the location of segmentation overlays in the viewport.