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Version: 3.10.0-beta.120 (Latest)


  • Name: routes.customRoutes global
  • Attributes: ** routes of type List of route objects (see route/index.tsx) is a set of route objects to add. ** Should any element of routes match an existing baked in element, the baked in one will be replaced. ** notFoundRoute is the route to display when nothing is found (this has to be at the end of the overall list, so can't be added to routes)


Since custom routes use React, they should be defined as modules inside the extension that is providing them. And cannot be in the AppConfig (yet).

export default function getCustomizationModule({ servicesManager, extensionManager }) {
return [
name: 'helloPage',
value: {
'routes.customRoutes': {
routes: {
$push: [
path: '/custom',
children: () => <h1 style={{ color: 'white' }}>Hello Custom Route</h1>,

Then after you define the module, you can add it to the customizationService in the AppConfig and reference it by the name you provided.

customizationService: [
// Shows a custom route -access via http://localhost:3000/custom

You can provide multiple custom routes in the same module, for instance another extension can also push to the routes array.

export default function getCustomizationModule({ servicesManager, extensionManager }) {
return [
name: 'secondPage',
value: {
customRoutes: {
routes: {
$push: [
path: '/second',
children: () => <h1 style={{ color: 'white' }}>Hello Second Route</h1>,

Then you can add it to the customizationService in the AppConfig and reference it by the name you provided.

customizationService: [
// Shows a custom route -access via http://localhost:3000/custom
// Shows a custom route -access via http://localhost:3000/second